Game Dev Timeline

As explained in my first post, here's the Game Dev Timeline. There's gonna be a lot of stinkers in here, but I want to show everything I've made so this page can accurately showcase my progress as a game developer. There will be abandoned unfinished projects, game jam submissions, crappy dev art, school projects, buggy messes, finished games, and all other variations on the spectrums of quality, polish, passion, and completeness. With that out of the way, I hope you'll enjoy checking out the variety of projects I've worked on over the years.

Tangled Route

Tangled Route

February 2023

Tangled route was a short, single-leveled game I made with five other classmates for Global Game Jam 2023. This is the first game I'd had to develop on a time limit and with a team, and most of us had never tried to make a game before or even knew how to use a game engine. Despite the difficulties of managing a team and all of us having to learn on the fly, Tangled Route ended up being an invaluable learning experience for all of us.

Tangled Route Game Jam Page

The Big Race

The Big Race

April 2023

The Big Race was a group project I worked on at the end of my freshman year. I pitched the goofy idea of an infinite runner game with virtual pet elements, and a few classmates decided to join in and make it happen. It wasn't the smoothest process, and we barely got some features out in time to present, but overall we all learned a lot, especially with it being the first exposure any of us had with source control.

The Big Race Github

Untitled Shooter Untitled Platformer

Untitled FPS and Platformer

July - August 2023

These untitled projects are the first games I released publicly that I had worked on by myself. I doubt that I will ever fully complete either of these, but I still feel like it's important to include here to show my progress. Compared to my previous projects, I learned even more while developing on my own, and got to experiment with stuff like 3D, UI, and lighting. One thing these games taught me is the importance of developing for scalability, since both eventually became a slog to continue due to unorganized and inefficiant programming.

Untitled FPS Github Untitled Platformer Github

Basic Platformer

Basic Platformer

September - October 2023

This Basic Platformer was something I made with the express purpose of putting a lot of things I'd learned into practice. I created all assets myself with the exception of audio, and made a lot of effort to keep my codebase more organized and easy to iterate on than past projects. Another aspect I concentrated on this time was prioritizing juice over features and visuals in order to have a more polished and, most importantly, fun project to show off. I may or may not revisit this project in the future, but for the time being it's simply good practice and reference material for future projects.

Basic Platformer Github

Input Buffering Example

Input Buffering Example

September 2024

This is an example game I made to demo and explain input buffering and coyote time for a class. I had the opportunity to get extra credit by teaching a lesson to my game programming class about a relevant topic, and I chose to teach about input buffering and coyote time. This mini-project was fun because I was able to use sliders to change the character's movement during runtime to demo how the concepts I was teaching about worked and why they were important. I also learned how to export a Godot project as a web game and upload it onto

Input Buffering Example



September - October 2024

Thimble is an action arcade game made for my video game programming class. The whole class was tasked with voting on a golden-era arcade game to reimagine in 3D in our own way, and Gauntlet(1985) ended up being chosen. We all had about a month to work on our own individual games before turning them in and presenting what we had made to the class. Thimble is notable to me for being the first solo game I've actually completed. In addition, I learned how to create menus for graphics and audio settings, how to procedurally generate levels, and how to create a save file to keep track of user settings and high scores. Even though it's very simple and rough around the edges, it's fully playable and polished enough for me to be proud of it.

Thimble Github

Yume Freaky

Yume Freaky

October 2024

This was a submission for my college's weekend game jam with "nightmare" as the theme. I worked on this with my twin and roomate together, where I did the programming, texturing, a little 3D modeling, and level design, my roomate did most of the 3D modeling, and my twin did the music and sound design. Everything in the game (save for one texture) was made by the three of us by ourselves, so that was a cool experience. We were inspired by a mix of LSD dream emulator and Yume Nikki, hence the stupid pun for a name. There were a few things in the end that we wanted to do but didn't have time for, but overall we are all very happy with the end result given the little time we had to make it.

Yume Freaky