Hi! I've admittedly been sitting on this website for a few months without any ideas of what to put on it. This past weekend I finished a game jam at my college that I'm pretty proud of considering the limitations, so I wanted a place to show off some of the projects I've worked on in the past, as well as stuff I continue to make in the future. With that being said, I've decided to use my Neocities site for this purpose.

Up at the navbar you can see the "stuff" page, where I plan to put a few different subpages. One of the things I want to put there is a list of games I've worked on, whether they be half-baked projects that will probably never be finished, college assignments I'm particularly proud of, game jam submissions, or finished games of varying levels of polish. By including just about everything I've worked on, I hope to inspire other independent and still-learning developers by showing where I've started and how my skills have progressed over time. I've always struggled with looking at other people's accomplishments and assuming everything must have just come easily to them, or that certain levels of skill I aspire to require an aptitude that some people just have and I don't. I doubt I'm the only one with this struggle, let alone the only one to see this website. I hope that if one day I make something that will inspire aspiring devs, they can come back here and see where I started and not feel so intimidated.

Other than that, I'm planning on adding some other things to my "stuff" page. Maybe a list of some of my favorite media such as games, music, and movies, and pictures of miniatures I've painted and model kits I've built. The "stuff" page is honestly just gonna be the home of random things I want to show off or talk about that I don't feel like categorizing or organizing in any better way.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy looking around my site!